Monday, 14 July 2008

Departure time

7 hours to departure, but we are (surprisingly) almost ready. Are just finishing off the packing and doing a bit of final cleaning etc.

Tomorrow around this time, give or take a bit, we'll be in Cape Town. On friday we'll get our Toyota Hilux, the vehicle promised to be more or less indestructable by one Mr. Clarkson on Top Gear

Over the weekend we will then do a bit of 4x4 training around Cape Town. We will then pop by Hermanus to try a bit of Whale Spotting before heading north to Kgalagadi Transfrontier park and Namibia.

Bye all!

1 comment:

Mads said...

Kan i nu ha' en super go tur alle tre. Husk at skrive og sætte billeder op her på siden, så vi andre misundelige småblege danskere kan følge lidt med i, hvad der foregår nede i det mørke Afrika. Mads